SRWS Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Publishing of Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Total number of publications of ATS and staff in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the CIS countries in 2010-2013,.

Name Authors Imprint Pages
1 Correction of the psychological status of patients with drug abuse in surgical practice. Dzharkenbekova D.S.. Health and disease. 2010, №1 (86), Almaty. 159 (1 page)
2 Questions preoperative preparation of patients with addiction. Israilova V.K., Dzholdybekov T.S., Utegenova Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S. VI International scientific-practical conference “Ecology. Radiation. Health», 28 August 2010 Current questions of clinical medicine. 135 (1 page)
3 Diagnosis of drug addiction in acute surgical pathology Mierbekov E.M., Dzholdybekov T.S., Yuldashev R.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S. Medical journal of the South Kazakhstan. 1(25) 2010. 200 (1 page)
4 Questions correction of neuropsychological status in patients with concomitant drug abuse for pain management Israilova V.K., Dzholdybekov T.S., Dzharkenbekova D.S., Israilova A.D Traditional and alternative pain in neurology of the XXI century. Almaty, 2010. 32-33 (2 pages)
5 Short-term results of minimally invasive procedures in patients with coronary artery disease Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011


2 pages.
6 Long-term results of minimally invasive vmeshatelst in patients with coronary artery disease Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
7 The immediate results of minimally invasive coronary surgery in patients with coronary artery disease. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
8 The immediate results of transmyocardial laser revascularization of myocardium in patients with coronary heart disease. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
9 The immediate results of transmyocardial laser revascularization of myocardium in patients with coronary heart disease. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
10 Surgical approaches to the various methods of myocardial revascularization in patients with coronary artery disease. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
11 The results of coronary bypass in patients with recurrent angina in the remote period after CABG surgery. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
12 Coronary bypass grafts in patients with recurrent angina, after surgical correction of CAD during hospital step. Patency of bypass grafts and methods of assessment. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
13 The use of mathematical methods of pattern recognition to the problems of diagnosis, prediction and classification in the field of cardiac surgery. Israilova V.K., Aytkozhin G.K Bulletin KazNMU №1, 2011

2 pages
14 Combined walking epidural for transurethral prostatic resection. Israilova V.K., Utegenova Z.A., Dzholdybekov T.S., Tobulbaev A.K., Iskalieva A.D., Dzhakubakynov S.B. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the SOPE with FEJ “City Clinical Hospital № 7” Almaty. October 21, 2011. 94 (1page)
15 The use of epidural anesthesia for lumbar osteochondrosis Israilova V.K., Utegenova Z.A., Dzholdybekov T.S., Aliev M.A., Iskalieva A.D., Dzhakubakynov S.B. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the SOPE with FEJ “City Clinical Hospital № 7” Almaty. October 21, 2011. 118-119 (1page)
16 The action of serotonin in the blood circulation in patients with bad traumatic brain injury. Israilova V.K., Utegenova Z.A., Dzholdybekov T.S., Tobulbaev A.K., Khalimov A.R.. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the SOPE with FEJ “City Clinical Hospital № 7” Almaty. October 21, 2011. 121 (1page)
17 Exogenous surfactant “Curosurf” in the complex treatment of pulmonary form of fat emboli syndrome Dzholdybekov T.S., Utegenova Z.A., Tobulbaev A.K., Iskalieva A.D., Dzhakubakynov S.B Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the SOPE with FEJ “City Clinical Hospital № 7” Almaty. October 21, 2011. 123-124 (1 page)
18 Errors of therapy inperiod of acute myocardial infarction. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S., Yuldashev A.A. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Doctor Medicine Science, Professor Satpaeva K.K. Almaty, December 23, 2011 4-5 (1,5page)
19 Pain management in acute myocardial infarction. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S., Yuldashev A.A. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Doctor Medicine Science, Professor Satpaeva K.K. Almaty, December 23, 2011 234 (1page)
20 Correction of the psychological status in surgical patients with drug abuse. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S., Yuldashev A.A. Materials of international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Doctor Medicine Science, Professor Satpaeva K.K. Almaty, December 23, 2011 68-69 (1,5page)
21 Neurological complications of regional anesthesia. Zryachev V.M. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S. Medical scientific journal. Esculapian 10/117/2011


41-42 (1,5 page)
22 The problem of spinal headache after spinal anesthesia. Zryachev V.M. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S. Medical scientific journal. Esculapian 10/117/2011


42-44 (1,2 pages)
23 Regional anesthesia, failure and complications. Zryachev V.M. Abdymoldaeva Z.A., Dzharkenbekova D.S. Medical scientific journal. Esculapian 10/117/2011


44-45 (1 page)
24 Modern methods for diagnosing kidney disease in children. Naushabaeva A.E., Batyrova A.N. Pediatrics. Pediatric Surgery. № 3. 2013 P. 44-46.
25 The role of HHR-infections in the development of erosive and helcoid lesions and their complications (bleeding and their regression causing high lethality). Batyrova A.N Health and Disease. Institute of Nutrition. № 7. 2013. 2pages
26 Inhalation anesthesia in cancer patients of high cardiac risk. Mukhamadiev B.T.. Materials of the II Congress of the anesthesiologists and intensivists of Kazakhstan. 1page
27 The use of extracorporal methods «ALTECO LPS» in patients with abdominal sepsis Dzholdybekov T.S., Utegenova Zh.A. Materials of the II Congress of the anesthesiologists and intensivists of Kazakhstan. 2pages
28 Principles analgesia “Day Hospital”. Dzholdybekov T.S., Utegenova Zh.A. Materials of the II Congress of the anesthesiologists and intensivists of Kazakhstan. 1 page
29 Anesthetic management in the surgical hospital Dzholdybekov T.S., Utegenova Zh.A., Shkavro N.A., Shamsutdinova T.Sh. Collection of scientific papers dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Regional Diagnostic Center of Almaty, 2013. 2 pages