Research work of students

Participation of students in the NIRI, NIRR Day of Science in KazNMU

Index I round


II round


III round (university)
1 2 3 4 5
2012-2013 academic year
1 Subject: «History of support of the skin» The doctor-intern Moldabekova M. 644 g (therapy). Supervisor: Head of Department. Jarbksinova BB; assistant Zheksembina AE
2 Subject: “Drug Enemy” Doctor-intern Karabaeva G. 643 g (therapy). Head of the Department. Jarbksinova BB; assistant Suleimanova AA
3 Subject:”Peculiarities of mental and behavioral disorders at children and adolescents”; The doctor-intern Usibbekova V. 610 gr (therapy).

Supervisor: Assistant Sitakanova A.S.

At the second stage of the competition of scientific research instead of Uspbekov V. 610 gr (therapy) was made by Erez Je Z. 610 g (therapy) “Peculiarities of mental and behavioral disorders at children and adolescents” and took 3rd place.
4 Тема: «Неотложные состояния в психиатрии и наркологии. Особенности оказания неотложной помощи больным с психическими и наркологическими расстройствами». Doctor-resident of the first year of training Imanbekov M.

Scientific adviser: assistant A.Ashimov, assistant Zheksembina AE

2013-2014 academic year
5 History of Kazakhstan psychiatry Resident

2-year training Muminova MA,

Scientific adviser: Professor, MD B.B. Djarbusynova;

6 “On the issue of somatized depression” Residents of the second year of study

Ponomareva L.Yu.,

Cherchenko NN, Pavlenko LA, Muminova MA,

Supervisor: Associate Professor Ph.D. Yu.I.Bespalov


“On the issue of psychosomatic diseases”


2-nd year of training Ponomareva L.Yu., Cherchenko NN, Pavlenko LA, Muminova MA,

Supervisor: Associate Professor Ph.D. Yu.I.Bespalov

Prize- The best band.
2014-2015 academic year
8 Psychotherapeutic application of the diagnostic test of Lusher (color selection method).


Sadovskaya Anastasia

Intern 716-3 group General medical faculty, the direction of training “Therapy”

Scientific adviser:

Assistant V.S. Boyko

People’s Choice Award
9 About co-dependency. Scientific leader:

assistant A.E.Zheksembina


Andabaeva A.

Intern 607-4 of the group General medical faculty, the direction of training “GP”

10 Computer addiction. Scientific adviser:


A.S. Sitakanova


Ualiyeva S.

Intern 608-4 groups,

General medical faculty, the direction of training “Therapy”.

11 Types and peculiarities of mental disorders encountered in elderly people. Scientific adviser:

Assistant A.A. Ashimov


Nazarbekova A.

Tavbaeva A.

Interns 605-2 of the group, General Medical Faculty, the direction of training “Therapy”.

2015-2016 academic year
12 The use of projective techniques in the conduct of psychotherapy in patients with an adjustment disorder. Head Boyko VS Speaker:

Sadovskaya Anastasia

Resident of the 1st year of training “Psychiatry and Narcology”

Leader: Boyko VS

13 Clinical and social characteristics of women living in the dispensary account of psychotherapeutic addiction Dunenbayev N.E.

Konisbaeva A.T. interns 717 of the group in the direction of “Therapy” Supervisor: Jamantayeva M.Sh.

2017-2018 academic year
14 Biosocial phenomenon of drug addiction. residents of the first year of education Seytkazinova Nazym Ergaliyevna

Seytzhanova Aygerim Kayratkyzy

Supervisor: Professor Dzharbusynova B.B.

Assistant professor

Bespalova Lyudmila Yurievna


15 Clinical-psychopathological features of mixed anxiety-depressive disorders, modern approaches to therapy Intern 7th course 710-01 group Therapy

F.N. Nurmuhamad

Supervisor: Associate Professor

Jamantayeva Maria Shokbarovna


Student conference on the department dedicated to drug addiction

The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology № 2

conducts the work of a student scientific mug


Formation and application of skills in the diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders, the study of psychotherapeutic methods in terms of their practical application in general medical practice.



 teach practical skills in the diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders;

 to familiarize with various psychotherapeutic concepts and theories;

 develop practical skills of psychotherapy;

 acquaint with modern concepts of the onset of sexual disorders;

 acquaint with modern possibilities of treatment and correction of mental and addiction disorders;

 create a single course of psychotherapy for the joint solution of both individual and social problems;

 conduct research and further promotion of them to international scientific competitions, publication in international peer-reviewed journals with impact factor.



 students of 1-6 courses;

 students of other universities;

 doctors-interns;

 PPP;

 doctors;


Scientific-student’s circle of the department