The research work of interns

Research work of interns is an integral part of the teaching and research work of the department. During the year are held monthly circle meeting, topical issues affecting the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.

The main clinical base of the department is the city Heart Center, Tole bi Street, 93. Also, the chair has additional clinical sites:

Сentral Сity Сlinical Нospital, Dzhandosov, 6

City Clinical Hospital №7, district Kalkaman-2

Hospital emergency care, street. Kazybek Bi, 96

Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal medicine Street Aiteke 120.

Central Clinical Hospital of President’s Affairs Department Street Baiseitov 16

Medical interns engaged in research activities, carry out the selection and curation of case patients, analyze their medical history; study and analyze the modern medical literature in carrying out scientific work.


Teachers of the department run by an annual 2-3 scientific research medical interns. The members of the scientific circle annually take part in the work of national and international conferences, participate in various competitions, often winning prizes.

Tasks circle of scientific activities of interns:

  • Popularization of research activities among medical interns
  • Help medical interns in independent scientific search and organizational provision of their scientific work
  • Involvement of interns to participate in intrahigh, regional, national and international student activities, as well as in organizing and holding such events in KazNMU