Research work

The research work of the staff of the department is an integral part of the department.

The main clinical base of the department is the city Heart Center, Tole bi Street, 93. Also, the chair has additional clinical sites:

Сentral Сity Сlinical Нospital, Dzhandosov, 6

City Clinical Hospital №7, district Kalkaman-2

Hospital emergency care, street. Kazybek Bi, 96

Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal medicine Street Aiteke 120.

Central Clinical Hospital of President’s Affairs Department Street Baiseitov16

Annually approve plans for scientific research, which includes: the creation of instruments of implementation in practice of public health, publishing, publishing articles, congresses, training workshops and conferences, review of scientific production, improvement of professional skills at the national and international level.

Teachers of the department run by an annual 2-3 scientific research medical interns. The members of the scientific circle annually take part in the work of national and international conferences. Also, members of the department publish scientific articles overseen groups.